I am so sorry for the silence! I have been hard at work on several jobs. My newest and greatest news is my
NEW WEBSITE! It has a blog built into it under 'news', so that is where I will be posting from now on. My site was designed by
Creating Causes, whom I can't recommend enough! If anyone's needs a new website, look no further!
I have been delayed again on the 3D blog but as soon as I can I will resume work on it. When that is up, I will post a notice here too.
Please come visit me at my new website!
www.lizlomax.comI hope you're all well! xo
Yeepee, great, a new site :) I'm going to browse it till the last popup
Hi Liz! The website looks FANTASTIC!!!! Apologies for delay in replying to your email. Its been crazy here but will be on it by the end of the week! x
The new site is awesome! I really like the social web icons you made at the bottom center of the page.
Looks great! I love you little facebook, etc. icons!!
Thank you everyone!!!! XO
Very,very,very good...I loved the new website.
The page is more dinamic and whe can see your work with more details...Congratulations!!!!
it looks so awesome!!
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