I swear, I AM still here. Forgive me Father, it's been one month and one day since my last blog post! No, I have not been on holiday enjoying the summer. I've been hard at work on deadline after deadline. I've got some exciting projects that I'd love to share with you, but so far they are top secret and can't be revealed until they are out in print.

I CAN tell you about some exciting deliveries from Mr. Postman (or woman). A few weeks ago I received some samples of a polymer clay product called
Bozzi from my 3D friends in Brazil! I am dying to get my hands into it and give you all a full report but I've not had a chance yet. I'll post about it when I do.
I also got the
Lürzer's Archive 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 09/10 
and the
Communication Arts 2009 Illustration Annual in the mail. Love them!

I can also tell you about the 3D blog I am putting together (it's taking a while because it's in my spare time- which right now doesn't exist). The address will be http://3dillustrations.blogspot.com and my aim is to showcase 3D illustrations and other sculpted stuff by a different artist each week (i hope?!) The whole point is to celebrate the medium and get more people excited about it! If you make dimensional work, please get in touch.
welcome back! Love the cop and robber sequence. I have been searching high and low for a blog all about dimensional work. But I have had no luck. I can't wait to see what you dig up for the 3d blog!
Hurrah! This is me getting in touch- I work in both 2 and 3 dimensions and I have a big 3 dimensional project coming to life very soon that will hit my blog.
Comming soon...
Lomax: the reborned! eheheheheh!!!
The Bozzi's friends in Brazil loved the post!Thank You!!!!
You know...I´m a partner in your project about 3D ilustration...I´m choosing some works to send you!
Happy you back!!!
welcome back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ALL so much for your comments guys! I'll get in touch soon about the 3D blog. just got hit with another big job so it'll be another few weeks I think.
Congrats on Lürzer's Archive 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 09/10 and ComArts!!! You deserve it!
What a great idea to put together a 3D illustration/art blog. I can't wait to see all the great work that will be posted there.
Do let us know how that new clay is... I'd love to hear about any new products.
I'm getting my butt in gear and making a new series of 3d work over the next few months... probably portraits. Hopefully it will be worthy of a feature in the new blog!
haha well sometimes we have more important things to do than blogging and usually happen a lot when you live in city, but well welcome back.
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